Thursday, March 01, 2007


Finally, after the boomers, Gen. X, Y, Y not, and Gen. next, the media has dubbed this last batch of selfish fucks, the ME generation. I would have learned more about this bunch of youth, but I was too busy doing whatever it is I do, to pay much attention. The label says it all. Only in America can we even afford to name our generations. Do you think 18 year old Somalis hanging out at the local internet cafe with their i-pods and Aks are given a sense of generational identity? If anything the 8 year old Somalis are looking at them like the old timer's days are numbered. Move over mutherfucker. No time to even give you a name. Ack- ack-ack.
It's typical that a society now ruled by Boomers (the most selfish and self absorbed generation of all time) would look through it's rose colored glasses and think the youth is more narcisistic than its own flabby ass. If, in fact this latest crop of sprouts is a little too concerned with their own well being, who do we blame? Once again, I blame the parents. Except for a brief period in the 70's when that meany Jimmy Carter made us turn down the thermostat and drive at 55 mph, America has been on a post-Vietnam era sleigh ride. The ups and downs have been negligible, but obsession over coddling and catering to one's kids has remained epidemic and cuts across all economic strata. The poorest slack jawed, mouthbreather will still max out the Visa for her little darlin's new sneakers and cell phone.
Is it any wonder that a cuntry at war (yet with no draft) spawns a generation of Paris Hiltonabes and Party Monsters. We ask nothing of our youth, and then are alarmed and surprised that they give nothing back. Of course there are exceptions- giving, mature, selfless individuals who want to make this world a better place........excuse me I was just distracted by a porno pop-up. What was I saying? Anyways, my point is this, I'll put up my selfishness any day against that of the kids coming up. Vietnam, Panama, Granada, The Falklands (I feel my new Argentine friend's pain also) and now THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR. Through it all I never bothered to save tin foil or wrap a big ball of string or even warm up the car properly in the morning. I'm a little young to be a boomer. Plus I hate those Dockers. If this is Gen. ME, I want to be Gen. ME 2. In words of our new presidential candidate Barak OBono "Ask not what you can do for your cuntry. Ask what the prime rate is and how much you can borrow." Spend baby. Social Security ain't gonna last forever.


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